Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Friendly Neighbor and a John Deere Tractor


The other day, as I was waking up, I heard a tractor – turned out to be a neighbor trimming the edges of the road – a JOHN DEERE tractor – so I woke up Joel to look.

He LOVES John Deere Tractor’s because they are Matthew’s favorite color (GREEN) and all the writing and extra’s are HIS favorite color (Yellow).  They had a John Deere Tractor party for their 3rd birthday.  Mom had made them a tractor and Bulldozer.

A few hours late, while I was outside with the kids, a man pulls up and gets out.  Turns out to be the same neighbor and wants to know if we want our tall weeds out front trimmed.

What a blessing!  Our bush hog is damaged and Dad hasn’t gotten around to fixing it yet.

So hardly an hour goes by and Anthony runs inside and says the tractor is here.  Of course we all went outside to watch.

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And the boys had a great time watching and talking about this WONDERFUL tractor.  It’s GREEN.  It’s knocking down our weeds.  It’s big.  Can we ride it?

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And before we could say Thank You or Goodbye – he finished and was gone.  We ran up (ok – I waddled) up to the road only to see he was headed down past the Lake Gate.  So we aren’t sure where he lives.  I’d like to bake him some cookies or have the kids make a thank you card …. if I knew which place to take it too.

What a blessing!  Isn’t God good?

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