Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tim's Kidneys

This morning, I hitched a ride to Longview to check on Tim.  My MIL picked me up at the end of the ride and took LaRue and me to the hospital.

His kidney's are the biggest concern right now.  He's stable.  Still trying to get his blood pressure up and stable.  A kidney specialist would come later.  He's in a ton of pain.

Then we went to the library - dropped and picked up a few books.

Jack in the Box for a salad.

And grocery shopping.  We did forget a few things, but my sister said she would try to get them later - tortillas and diapers for LaRue.  Half of the buggy or more is always produce.  Only lunch meat for our meat today.  Cereal and milk for breakfasts.  Walnuts and crackers for snacks.  Distilled water to make laundry soap.  Trash bags.  A few odds and ends.  ...  And got Joel a case for his MP3 player and a battery recharger and batteries so he can keep batteries in his favorite electronic toys.  I think he needs more batteries though!  (I bought those things with his birthday money - things that seem practical in the long run... I spent about half of it.)

Then we headed to the farm to pick up eggs.  We got almost to the house and the GPS put us into the neighbors drive way.  Go figure.  We got to the house, 9 dozen eggs and paid for it with the rest of Joel's birthday money.  I hope we can get him paid back.

Then we followed the GPS home ... except that it took us to the "non exsistent" back way.  After wondering lost for 5 minutes, the GPS swung around and took us home the right way.

Once home, I called up to the hospital to check on Tim.

The news was stunning.  And not in a good way.  They have him on a catheter.  And have taken him off of almost all of his heart meds.  First, the blood thinners in case they need to operate again.  Then the blood pressure meds because his blood pressure is too low.  His kidneys are in bad shape - hoping they can recover.

Then the worst news - his kidneys were perfect in March.  One of the meds - Rine saol tion????  something ... I don't want to call Tim back and ask again ... has a common side effect of negatively affecting kidneys.  We were stunned.  Why were we not told to watch for it?

I've been watching Tim steadily deteriorate since March - and attributed it to the heat.  This is so hard on us.  Please keep us in your prayers.  Tim is incredibly discouraged.  He has been holding on and trying to get back to health for volley ball and basket ball season.  He says we don't qualify for any of the programs that he's checked into for assistance.  Pray for us.  We need some kind of income to keep our bills paid and food on the table.  We need a miracle.

After doing some research ... it MIGHT be one of these two drugs ... or neither ...

Keeping up with the side effects and dangers of these drugs is a daunting task - and I did do a few hours of research into what these were he was taking ... except I don't know anything about his "new one".  The lists were overwhelming, contradictory, and long.  I just wanted to scream and cry ... do you know how many say "do not take with another drug he is on without doctor consent".

::::  For more of the story background - click on the "Heart Attack" link below under labels.

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