Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 9 - Angry Bird Party - Game 1

When Joel was deciding what theme he wanted for his birthday party
he started out wanting a WALL-E party.

Since we didn't get to hunt eggs with Mamaw for Easter,
I figured eggs were kind of EVE robot shaped ...


Then Joel suddenly was very adament about having
an ANGRY BIRD party.

After some thought I said, "Well, why not?"

The birds were easy to draw and work up
Decorations could be done with stuff already on hand.

The party was set at 10:00 - 11:30.
Mamaw and Papaw arrived promptly at 10.
Slowly followed by Papa, D (from church), Steve, and Uncle Roy.
Finally Karen arrived with the cake and the kids nearly at 11:00.
and about 10 minutes later,
Ruth arrived with 4 more kids.

So we started our first game ...

 Game 1 had morphed from a hunt for EVE robots ... 
into an Angry Bird Egg hunt.

You see - the pigs stole the eggs - more than they could eat.
So they have them hid in their pig pen.

Housing goats for about 12 - 15 years has left this area barren.
Very little is growing.

So Kendra hid the eggs all over this huge fenced in area.
She did great - they were all VERY easy to see -
IF you were looking straight at them!

Forks of trees, bottoms of trees in the roots, just out on the ground.

And the kids had such a blast running around and hunting for them!

Now this picture has a funny story behind it.

I just wish I had of had my camera out 3 minutes sooner.

We had circled the pen 3 or 4 times, 
even us big people
(when we would see an egg, we would sing out the color -
the kids would see where we were, come running over,
looking to see what we could see, and dash for the egg - 
remember most of these kids were 6 and younger!)

We were sure no more eggs were out
I put the camera away and we headed for the gate
and back up to where the main party was at.

Suddenly, behind the barn - on the other side of the drain ditch
was a LAST egg.

Just sitting there out in the open as pretty as you please.

Where upon, 
I think Joel saw it first and yelled.
Matthew and Marriana both saw it and the 3 of them literally
DOVE across the ditch (about 2 feet) to grab that egg.

I think Joel got it.

Matthew stumbled and ALL of his eggs went rolling out.
They are picking up the eggs in the picture.

And while there was no chocolate in the eggs
(not in 90+ degree weather)

there was lots of candy in them.

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