Sunday, May 10, 2009

Update on Mom 1:30 AM

Pray hard - the doctors are worried that Mom will not make it through the night.

Earlier I talked to Rhoda, mom was somewhat alert, and trying to fingerspell her needs to people. Rhoda caught on and understood. But few others know all their letters. Rhoda said she had tubes and machines everywhere - I know she's on oxygen, a respirator, IVs, blood pressure monitor, most likely an oxygen monitor.

Ruth called to explain how serious her condition was ... septic pnemonia. We have a friend who nearly died a few years ago from a similar condition, and is still in a wheel chair and requires a lot of basic care help. It's very dangerous.

Later she called, around midnight, to say they had called our 4th sister to fly down ASAP. Dad wants all of us girls there early in the morning .... they don't expect her to live. She might not make it through the night. They are fighting to keep her stable, blood pressure keeps dropping. Kidney's are barely working and they think they are shutting down. They have given her all the meds that they can. She is partially sedated because she kept thrashing around.

Rhoda went ahead and left to go down a short while ago, dropping her boys with the other grandparents. I almost went too, but I'm pregnant and exhausted ... and thought I might be better off getting a few hours of sleep. I'll probably skip church and stay there.

This baby gets to be named after mom. She is/was so excited. We plan to homebirth at her house and she has helped deliver Vannan and Joel, and was looking forward to helping to birth this one.

Kendra just reminded me .... It was a year ago, Mother's Day, when I lost our last baby - was hospitalized that Thursday/Friday night, and nearly died from a reaction to the Morphine. Yes, she's still awake. She's been crying since we got the midnight call.

I'm heading to bed. I'll not get a chance to update in the morning. But will as soon as I get home tomorrow. I can update with my cell phone - but only very short messages. Though I'll have to change the settings to let them post immediately.

Prayer Changes Things. And there are a LOT of people praying. Mom is a fighter - that's how she could get so sick and nobody quite realize HOW sick. But never predicted septic pnemonia.

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