Monday, February 2, 2009

Painting the Hallway Shelf

Vannan wanted to paint the shelf in the hallway - after the primer dries and the weather gives us a good warm day, we plan to paint it the same yellow that is in the kitchen.

Vannan did pretty good - Kendra finished it up.

Right now, it is in the hallway waiting for it's second coat. I do think the white is a bit much though, it does need the color.

I'm alos not sure what I want to put on the shelf. It's too narrow for shoes or things like that - only 8 inches deep. Books are fine - but there is a chalk-board up above, and the shelves are not exactly spaced well for books.

I've also considered some of Joel's toys, maybe all of his cars?

It has to be baby friendly - because Esther will pull it off the shelves.
It has to be easy to step over if it is down in the hallway OR something that isn't likely to be pulled down.

I look around my house - which the more I sort and clean - the bigger the mess seems to be getting - UGH!

Anybody have any ideas?
What would you put on a short narrow set of shelves located in a very narrow hallway?
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1 comment:

  1. She had completly forgotten to paint the bottems of the shelves!



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