Friday, February 13, 2009

A Blobby Week

I know I really should pull the pictures out of my camera and post a few. I've had all day. But it's been one of those days ... one of those weeks.

Joel has been learning new things like crazy. He never ceases to amaze me. We put the games and puzzles down at a level where he can reach them...and he LOVES it. Right now he is happily asking me how to spell words or what word is this after pulling out letters and placing them above the puzzle. His favorite is still spelling his name. He brought me ME and US. He thought BUG was very funny. And he has been rearranging the letters of his name LOEJ, LEOJ, JELO... and giggling at the results. He has such a huge appatite for learning.

He's not all books and letters though. With the warmer weather, the back door has been open and he's happily ran in and out throughout the day. I can hear him outside, and he'll run to the door and answer me when I call him, so I don't worry too much.

He is very excited about a new brother or sister, and tells the baby to stay here when he hugs me.

Vannan has been a big help with preschool. But has been quite slack with chores and schoolwork. It doesn't help that with me not feeling up to par, I'm not getting them up very well in the mornings. Kendra has actually been much worse - she loves to read, and I don't have a problem with that - but it's consuming all of her time, free or otherwise, and she has no time for school or chores or friends or anything. So I end up doing much of what she should be doing, plus what I need to do. Makes for very long days. I keep praying for inspiration.

Me, being pregnant, it's all I can do most days to function on the minimum. I'm not even sure how far along I am, maybe almost 7 weeks. I'm still trying to purge what is in the house. Too much. But I keep thinking that I just need to figure out how to make it all work. And if I don't miscarry the baby? How will we fit it into the house?

What's left to get rid of? I'm not rich enough to replace items even at thrift store prices, but I've been getting rid of baby things instead of storing them, no room left to store anything. And yet I despirately hope to keep the baby. I want it, problems it will create and all.

Tim is just worried. No job, car too small, house too small, another mouth to feed, something else to cut into his imaginary airplane time. We may have to send just the older children to church and outings and leave me and baby behind. Though I don't really think anybody would miss me socially.

Children were never meant to be a burden.

My dad is discussing getting chickens again and rabbits and putting in a garden. We may need all of it to survive the Bullet that almighty Obama and his Democratic priests are shooting to the head of Uncle Sam. I don't think America as we know it will survive. Will there ever even be another election? Can we as a nation survive this stupidity?

I might be praying for him, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with his actions, does it?

Blobby and somewhat depressed - not a good combination for a post.

I probably should delete it, but nobody much reads this blog anyway, so I guess this is more of a diary entry than meant for anybody to analyze or comment about.

Hard to believe my baby is 14. Well, got to go take ANOTHER book away from Kendra. Wonder what she is reading this time - sometimes it's a school or library book that she's suppose to read during reading time or free time - but other times she gets stuff that I would prefer she didn't read, or at least read it only during free time. Very little around here is totally objectionable - but I do like Science Fiction.

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