Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Late March - Favorite Things to Do

Joel drew this picture of his house.
Can you see the clock, his bed, a broom, a bathtub, a comb, the dustpan,
and I don't remember what else is in there.

It was quite the elaborate picture.
This has got to be one of our favorite toys!

And this is LaRue's favorite toy ...
the air vent.

Joel was missing most of his pencils - 
then I caught LaRue dropping one down.

So Joel got his flashlight ...
and started removing pencils
and pens
and crayons
and toys
and spoons
a fork
and a few other odds and ends.

We really should try to check all of the other vents 
in the house.

This is Kendra's favorite toy.
She doesn't get it out much anymore,
but we had company,
and they spent close to 4 hours 
building with her Ellos.

Kendra is always wishing she had a lot more,
but they are long gone from stores - 
and all we can find are overpriced sets.

We saw them going out for 70% or more marked down a 
few years ago - but could only afford to buy a few.

Another favorite activity 
trying on other people's clothes.

LaRue was trying on Joel's shorts.
Her favorite though ---- shoes!

Joel put his Easter basket on his head.
He played soldier for nearly a week!

LaRue likes to find somebody 
usually a sibling
and SIT on them!

I bought this towel for Joel,
because he LOVED Blue's Clues.

He screamed when I first put it on him, 
but 8 or so months later,
it was a favorite.

LaRue just loves it.
It's been declared too small for Joel,
as it no longer covers the important parts.

We spent several days sorting clothes.
That is LaRue's pile ...
and ONLY LaRue's pile.

I took out almost half of the pile - 
just based on styles or colors that 
were not good for LaRue or for me.

We mated up most of it -
then put it away.

As she has worn it,
nearly another dozen outfits have been pulled,
some put in the "too big" drawer
and others in the "give away" box.

It was really nice to have "more than enough to share"
with the 2 other babies this size 
and still plenty for Jade to choose from in a few months.

Already, I'm pulling 18 month sizes,
as she wears 24 months almost exclusively
and a size 6 shoe!

We also sorted Joel's clothes.
These are mostly summer,
but you will see a few long sleeves if you look closely.

About a dozen or so have been pulled - 
bad colors for Joel,
or really a bit too small when he has so many more
that fit so much better.

Joel wears a size 6/7 (closer to a 7)
as he has broad shoulders and hips.
Many times what is snug on him,
fits A3 and Matthew just fine for several more months.

He's also in a size 13/1 shoes
depending on how wide the toes are.
He even has one 12 1/2 that he can wear!

But pants are a different story,
most of his shorts are size 5,
so they are too tight.

He's got enough jeans for the summer 
you only need 2 or 3 in this heat

but he's only got 4 or 5 shorts that fit him well,
and another 2 that are very "dressy" for 
going to town dressed nicely.

Anybody have some size 6/7 blue jean shorts
to hand down for the summer?

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