Actually, the faces were probably from all the pictures I was taking of her - flash daze.
But makes a great photo series.
We should be getting an appointment with the nurologist soon.
We are not aware of any new seizures since we brought her home.
We just have to wait and see how she does the next 2 years.
She giggles and coos, makes funny faces, and has figured out how to make her bouncer/rocker chair to rock.
She can roll herself over from her back to tummy but only to the right, I've never seen her roll left, but probably because she sleeps on the left side of me and snacks are to her right. Incentive there.
She is getting to be so big. Gotta weigh her today.
She LOVES people.
She smiles and giggles - a LOT.
Unless she is tired and hungry.
Sleeps through the night ... well, except for the snacking, but she's asleep.
I just come awake far enough to position us, and I'm back asleep too.
Love co-sleeping.
Besides, as cold as it is at night here, it's the only way I'm sure she stays warm.
Sounds like a pretty normal 3 month old baby, doesn't she?
I'm looking forward to seeing if she keeps that red in her hair.
Kendra's hair had red like that too, but far less noticable.
It's so funny to listen to people disagree on whether she actually has red in her hair or not.
Vannan has taken to calling her bacon bits.
Because she is such a ham.
Kendra makes up names ... like Laruable.
Joel showers her with hugs and kisses and watches over her - like a hawk.