Friday, May 8, 2009

Big Kids Candy Hunt

Finally, it was the big kids turn. For a change, this was all of the elementary and high school students. Kendra and Caleb are the only 2 teens right now in the church - then it jumps to college age kids. Sometimes the college kids do get included on these hunts, but this year they did much of the hiding.

Somebody figured out how to get several pieces on top of the clock and exit sign. After one child somewhat demolished the exit sign and lights (we were told they would snap back together alright) - it was decided (by a few adults in the back) that since Vannan was the tallest and lightest of the searchers (there were taller kids - but much heavier ... and lighter kids but very short) - she should find the "tall guy" in the church - a college student nearly 7ft tall, and be safely lifted to remove the coveted candy.

Kendra found candy in the vents. She improvised her own way to get the candy.

Katie went searching at the tops of the curtains and found a LOT.

They even found a bunch of candy under the piano!

Joel helped too - and gave all the candy he found to his sisters. Sweet boy.

He actually found a LOT. He was just the right height to look into all of the hymnal racks on the backs of the pews.
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