Monday, November 2, 2009

Family Update and Santa Wishlists

It's been rather overwhelming lately.  Getting use to a new baby and finding a new schedule that works for us ... of course they had to go and do a time change just as we were settling in too.  She's a good nurser and usually a good sleeper - only wakes me up twice usually to nurse and mostly we can do that in our sleep now.  She's quick getting use to things.  Loves to be bundled up, just leave her hands and head out.  She likes warmer rather than cooler.  Watches everything when she's awake.  Good disposition.

Choppy sentences.... can you tell I'm just a bit on the tired side?

Tim's been working long hard hours - made a few sales.  Pray for him as he is out and on the road so much, and that he'll talk to the right people who need the insurance he sells and he'll be able to sell it to them. 

On the 20th, we went in for our 2 week checkup.  LaRue weighed in at 8lb 6 oz.  Today we went to WIC and she was up to 9lb 1 oz with her nightgown and diaper, and measured 20 1/2 inches.  Yeah, I think she's getting enough to eat.

Now, if you have no intrest in Christmas wishes or Birthday wishes (Kendra has one right after Christmas), you can stop reading ... but if you want ideas ... keep reading.   I have had a few people ask for ideas.  I think they all read this blog directly or through FaceBook.

But what does a baby who has no desires outside of warmth, Momma milk, and sleep, want for Christmas?  Diapers and Wipies?  But we don't have room to store much.   She doesn't use much soap, and we still have a big bottle we use with Joel.  She has tons of clothes, blankets, burp rags, ... can't find the diaper bag, but we are still looking.  We have baby oil, lotion, and everything basically that we need ... except a closet to hang outfits and dresses.  But I'm not sure where to put a closet right now.  So what does a baby ask for who has everything?  Guess we're back to diapers and wipies (or cards specified for that purpose - not much storage room and you never know what size you'll need).  

LaRue also has an Amazon Wish list - not much on it though.  All of the kids have one - you can find links at the bottom of the blog or just search for their names.  If you are so inclined.  These kids aren't picky - so homemade versions or second hand thrills them too.

Joel has a similar problem, doesn't need much.  He's doing fine on the clothes right now.  But he does need a size 5/6 coat.  Since I don't know when he'll grow - hard to say on clothes.  He's got plenty up to size 5, and a few others in a storage box to grow into.  He doesn't have any REAL NICE outfits ... but plenty of nice enough for church.   He has asked for videos ... Ratatouli, Wall-E, and 321 Penguins and a few Veggie Tales, but then we need a new TV to enjoy the movies we currently have - lightening hit our NEW Tv (3 months old) about 2 years ago.  It's been slowly desintigrating since then.   Joel loves to read - but the public library holds most of what a little boy can read.   Books or Movies from places like Vision Forum or Answers In Genesis or other Christian organizations - stuff that most libraries do not have on their shelves.  He loves getting the God's World Newsletter for his age, Taking Off?, or something like that.  He loves working puzzles (book or pieces in a box), math or language games/manipulatives - but we don't have room for much.   His #1 Comment is that he wants a CARS quilt for his bed.  He'd probably love a curtain for his "room" too.  I'm not sure of the size of the window.  We've got to get his bed fixed.   His #2 item commented on is anything camoflauged - he loves the patterns of it - any color, gray, green, yellows.  He has several shirts and pants and shorts, a backpack and a small duffle bag already.   He would LOVE anything "ART" - like extra big boxes of crayons or colored pencils.  I have tons of art supplies - but not a lot "boy".   He NEEDS socks - where do they all go?  His favorite pair are some I tye dyed last year in Camo colors.  He also loves Yellow things, and Nemo fish (orange clown fish).  He loves science and learning anything new.   But mostly - we really don't have room for much of anything.

The girls don't have much space in their room either.  They need help finding places for things as it is.  But I let them come up with their own lists.

Vannan wrote
1.  Help getting my barnyard fixed up - either money for supplies or come help put up fencing and repairs.  (By the way, she is the VERY PROUD Momma of 3 new baby bunnies as of Saturday - Stripe, Snow, and Strawberry Milk ... she gave the last one to Joel).
2.  A big Pink bean bag chair
3.  A Pink wheel barrow (to use at the barn) ... (she saw an ad for a lot of pink tools)
4.  An electronic Bible
5.  Locket Necklace with family pictures inside.  She especially wants one with Grammy Rue's picture.

Kendra wrote:
1.  A 15 inch laptop computer.  Daddy helped pick one out from Dell that will cost me $469.  I'll be saving all my money to get it.
2.  I need some solid colored turtle-neck shirts to go under jumpers or sweaters or with skirts.  I would like colors like white, lime green, emerald green, eggplant purple, magenta, lemon yellow, and a realy dark blue (WINTER colors - she's a winter skin and hair tones).
3.  Light weight scarves for my hair - (same colors as shirts above mostly plus red).  Claws or headbands ... stuff for her hair.
4.  Writing pens ... cartridges for her caligraphy pens, dipping ink for her dip caligrpahpy pen, and Gel pens.  High quality colored pencils or water color pencils.
5.  Purple Moon Chair - has to be able to fold down in my room.
6.  Cards for my Music Maker lap harp.

It's late and LaRue is protesting that she is awake and hungry ... again.  I've got a lot accomplished tonight while she slept finally today.  I just hope we can find something to give for Christmas this year ... I'm really feeling the time crunch with a new baby and so many changes this year.

1 comment:

  1. A bit of specifacaton: I do not like headbands that look like upside-down u's. They do not hold my hair. I end up breaking them very quickly. I like headbands that are circular and flexible.



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