Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Snowman Balls

In Preschool, we are studying Day 4 of creation ... and right now the focus in on the sun and how it works. So we have been talking about the SEASONS!

On this day, we were talking about Winter. Now down South here - there ain't much. Winter that is.
Bad English, I know, but people still talk like that here. :)

We did have a slight snow last year ... but most of these kids find the winter section really confusing. We actually wear anything from coats and hats to shorts and sandles during our winter. And what is a snowman anyway? Sledding? Can you do that in the sand?

The Horizon book suggested making popcorn balls and using candy to make snowmen - but it's missing a recipe.

We found one using corn syrup.

But the balls hardened within seconds - and they found decorating to be impossible. So they just ate their snowmen without decorating.

Next time, we're thinking to use rice crispy balls or something. Maybe we can use my mom's cake pan that makes ball shaped cake?

I'm open to ideas!

Long after the other children were happily munching away, Joel still was trying to stick his pieces onto the popcorn ball. You have to admire his diligence!
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1 comment:

  1. Not edible, but we usually make our snowmen with cotton wool - like this one
    My children once discovered they could make 'snow' by shredding a piece of polystyrene into tiny flakes and flinging it about the room! I was not pleased - but we have repeated the experiment with tiny pieces of shredded paper (much easier to clean up!).



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