Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dec. 23 - Christmas Program

On the morning of the 23rd

We went by to check on Mamaw and Papaw and give them some gifts.
We've got a few more to deliver,
as a they didn't make it into the car.

She loves seeing the kids ...
but hasn't a clue who they are.

Vannan wrote a Christmas Program for the kids in the church.
She also directed the program,
very few adults were involved.

She was VERY nervous.
Here is the blog Post she wrote about it
Some of the cast
We have some really cute kids.
This one went and asked for lipstick ...
after both Mommy and Daddy had said NO.
shepherd riding a sheep
The littlest angel.

She had her lines down PAT,
but was so quiet saying them,'
that nobody heard it.

The story starts out with Bobby coming to stay a while with his aunt,
while Mom and Dad go out.

Bobby sits down to watch TV.

He is very impatient,
so his Aunt tells him the real story of Christmas.

She knitted while talking.
Gabriel brought along some extra help while talking to Mary.
Our high tech solution to a multi-media problem.

V's MP3 player held up to a mic.
While the puppet sang the song.
Then Mary grabbed her suitcase, and Joseph,
and ran out of the church (instead of circling the congregation).

Eventually the knocked on the inn door -
it happened so fast,
we didn't see the inn keeper at all,
and the door was closed almost before it opened.

But they ended up in the right spot.
Then the Angel appeared to the shepherds and sheep ...
who were actually more interested in the strange antics of a mystery bird
that kept appearing in the puppet area.
Can you see Rue?
Everyone had a spot.
She was standing on hers.
The other angel was not.
So it was kinda cute watching her peak around and whisper her lines.
V was going to play her violin the whole time ....
but is glad she settled on only doing one song.

(In a side note - it looks like she'll be starting back up on her lessons this week -
she is SO EXCITED!!)
The sheep handed out the Good News.

These are the wise men.
Mary, Joseph, and toddler Jesus.
They did a really good job.
The final "curtain call"
singing Joy to the World.

Later V discovered that almost nobody had picked up a program.

Probably because all of the ushers were on stage in the program.
Paul LOVED the trim on his favorite angel.
These two are great friends.

Rue is still telling everyone all about being the angel.

A few sunday's before that ...
the little kids got up on stage and played bells during the song service.

I'm guessing these came off of V's camera.

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